Business Strategy: OKC Innovation District names new CEO, Jeff Seymour

Business Strategy: OKC Innovation District names new CEO, Jeff Seymour
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Kenton Tsoodle
Kenton Tsoodle

Last week, the Oklahoma City Innovation District named Jeff Seymour as their new President and CEO. After spending the past decade working for the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, serving as the lead economic developer for the past five years, Seymour is highly qualified to take over the role. The district and the chamber are working together to form a transition plan for Seymour through the end of the year.

The Innovation District is a 1.3 square mile sector east of downtown OKC and it has ignited the city’s growth across diverse STEM-centered sectors, including health, energy, aerospace, technology, research, and academics. It stands as a beacon of entrepreneurship and has driven innovation across the region. Its partnership with the Alliance for the Economic Development of Oklahoma City, has kickstarted the Innovation District development across industries, as professionals can easily collaborate to create new technologies and services. The district is raising the competitiveness of OKC, enticing out-of-state organizations, and attracting new talent to join the ranks of Oklahoma City’s workforce.

The Innovation District fosters growth among STEM-focused businesses and educational institutions. Focused on collaboration, the district has created an environment where professionals can live, work, and play in proximity. With Seymour’s experience in the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, he has already formed deep ties across the city with community partners.

Beyond his experience with the chamber, Seymour has seen success in various economic development organizations across Oklahoma and Kansas, including the Blackwell Industrial Authority/Chamber of Commerce in Oklahoma and the Franklin County Development Council in Ottawa, Kansas.

Seymour’s success transcends state boundaries and his experience in other states will add beneficial perspectives to his leadership and strategic efforts. His leadership experience and ability to embark quickly and effectively on strategic initiatives will be crucial to leading the Innovation District to further success.

This announcement comes at a pivotal moment for the Innovation District, with upcoming projects like the Convergence development, supported in part by the Alliance. In addition, the OKC Innovation District is supporting a $35 million Build Back Better grant along with state-awarded ARPA funding to continue propelling innovation across the region. Seymour’s leadership will guide how the district actively assists these crucial economic developments.

Seymour’s leadership will usher in a new era for the Innovation District and bolster its efforts to catalyze innovation and economic growth for the people across the city and the south-central region of the U.S.

Kenton Tsoodle is president of The Alliance for Economic Development of Oklahoma.


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